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December 7, 2015 // 0 Comments

My hair has been through some $#!T. You can read alllll about my hair journey on my gal Payton’s blog– she interviewed me and it was super cool and I love her. A lot. That article will help you get a better understanding of how much I’ve put my hair through over the years and it’ll also prove how effective these tips are! Naturally curly hair is both badass and also super sensitive, needing a lot of tender loving care (kind of like me, actually.) Here are 10 things I’ve done to make my hair as healthy and [read more]


September 10, 2015 // 3 Comments

Those who have been following me for a long time know that I have never ever ever ever strayed from my favorite curly hair products– the same ones I’ve been using for years. I owe Marc Anthony a few organs/limbs because I actually die for him and his line of curly hair products. I had absolutely no idea how to manage my curly hair before his products came along and rocked my world. Sorry Marc Anthony, but this post actually isn’t about you- it’s about the latest (& possibly greatest) love of my life. NOVEX HAIR [read more]

EASY DIY Mask For Dry/Damaged/Curly Hair

January 26, 2015 // 14 Comments

I’ve been getting a ton of curly hair questions on my Instagram since I’ve gone the natural-route (8 months heat-free!) The most common question revolves around taking care of my curls! Along with using sulfate-free hair products, washing only once a week, sleeping on a silk pillow case, drying my hair with a micro-fibre towel and using NO HEAT (amongst many other tricks) – I love using DIY hair masks to keep my hair as healthy as possible! This mask is amazing to hydrate and repair which is why I use it so often on my [read more]

Battle Your Bad Hair Day

October 30, 2014 // 1 Comment

We’ve all had them- those days where you wake up and your hair is completely un-tamable. You can’t comb through it, and no matter how much you tease it, it always manages to fall flat. Most of the time the only solution is to wash your hair and start all over again. Here at HauteMess Magazine, we’ve learned how to help battle and tame that wild hair without having to start all over again. Join us in never having a bad hair day again (or at least learning how to deal with them!) Prep your hair! One way to avoid bad hair days is to make [read more]

5 Tips for Taming Wild Hair

September 12, 2014 // 1 Comment

Sometimes, my wild hair is hard to handle (which is why I just recently cut it all off), but maintaining my hair and keeping it healthy is super important to me. While I don’t visit the salon as often as I should, there are several things I do to keep my hair looking both clean and healthy. Read on! HAUTEMESS TIP- Don’t wash your hair everyday. Some may cringe at this tip, but trust me, it makes a huge difference. Washing your hair strips it of all of its natural oils and can make your drier than it should be. I try to wash my hair [read more]

10 Back To School Beauty Tips For Teens

August 15, 2014 // 3 Comments

Exams, homework, after school activities, high school drama, and finding time to socialize with your friends- being a teenager is hard. The last thing you need to worry about is acne, oily hair or any of the other negative effects of maturing and getting older. Here are 10 life saving beauty tips you need this back to school season. 1. Wash your face twice a day. Teen skin is just prone to acne. If you simply touch your face throughout the day, you’re transferring tons of dirt, bacteria and oils from your hands to your skin. It is so [read more]